The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Docker and Docker Compose

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Docker and Docker Compose

Here is a Cheat sheet of carefully curated Docker and Docker Compose you will ever need:-

1. Commands for Installation of Docker:




For Windows

This command helps you to install Docker on Windows.

For Linux

This command helps you to install Docker on Linux.

curl -sSL

For mac

This command helps you to install Docker on mac os.

2.Commands for Docker Registry and Repository :




Log in to a Registry

This command helps you log in to your Registry.

docker login docker login localhost:8080

Logout from a registry:

This command helps you log out from your Registry.

docker logout docker logout localhost:8080

Searching an image

By using this docker command you can search any image from your docker.

search nginx docker search --filter stars=3 --no-trunc nginx

Pulling an Image

This command can be used to download a specific image or set of images.

docker image pull nginx docker image pull eon01/nginx localhost:5000/myadmin/nginx

Pushing an image

This command can be used to push a specific image or set of images.

docker image push eon01/nginx docker image push eon01/nginx localhost:5000/myadmin/nginx

3. Commands for Running Containers :




To create a container

This command is used to create a container without running

docker container create -t -i eon01/infinite --name XYZ

To run a container

This command is used to run a container

docker container run -it --name XYZ -d eon01/infinite

To rename a container

Use this command to rename a container

docker container rename XYZ infinity

For removing a container

This command is used to remove container in the topic

docker container rm infinite

Update a container

This command is used to update the container in the topic

docker container update --cpu-shares 512 -m 300M infinite

4. Commands for Starting or Stopping the Container:




For starting a container

This command is used for starting a container

docker container start nginx

For stopping a container

This command is used for stopping a container

docker container stop nginx

For restarting the container

This command is used for restarting a container

docker container restart nginx

For pausing the container

This command is used for pausing a container

docker container pause nginx

For unpausing the container

This command is used for unpausing a container in the docker

docker container unpause nginx

For Blocking a container

This command is used for blocking a container in the docker

docker container wait nginx

Sending a SIGKILL

This command is used for Sending a SIGKILL in the docker

docker container kill nginx

For sending another signal

This command is used for sending another signal

docker container kill -s HUP nginx

For Connecting to an Existing Container

We can use this command for Connecting to an Existing Container

docker container attach nginx

5. Commands for Obtaining Container Information:




Fetching information From Running Containers

We can fetch information from the running container by using this command

docker ps Or docker container ls

For fetching about every container

This command for fetching about every container

docker container ls -aOrdocker ps -a

For container log

We can use this command to see the container log

docker logs infinite

For ‘tail -f’ Containers’ Logs

With this command Container isn’t running in the foreground, and if there isn’t anything running in the foreground, Docker closes automatically.

docker container logs infinite -f

For Inspecting Containers

This is the command used for inspecting containers

docker container inspect infinite docker container inspect --format '' $(docker ps -q)

For Containers Events

To obtain real-time events from the server, use docker events.

docker system events infinite

For Public Ports

Use this command for finding a public port

docker container port infinite

For Running Processes

We can use this command for displaying the running processes in the container

docker container top infinite

Command for Container Resource Usage

It displays a live stream of resources usage statics for containers

docker container stats infinite

Commands for Inspecting changes to files or directories on a container’s filesystem

This command is used for inspecting changes to files or directories on a container’s filesystem

docker container diff infinite

6. Commands for Managing Images




For listing images

This command is used to list images

docker image ls

For Building images From the current directory’s Dockerfile

This command is used for building from the current directory’s dockerfile

docker build

For Building images From a GIT remote repository

This command is used for Building images command Using a remote GIT repository

docker build

For tagging and building

This command is for tagging and building.

docker build -t eon/infinite

Specifying the Build Context while creating a Dockerfile

This is used to Build an image from a Dockerfile

docker build -f myDockerfile

Creating a Dockerfile from a URL

It will help to create a dockerfile with a specific URL.

curl `

For removing image

This command is used to remove a7n image

docker image rm nginx

Using a File or the Normal Input Stream to Load a Tarred Repository

Use STDIN or a tar archive to load an image.

docker image load < ubuntu.tar.gz docker build -f myOtherDockerfile

Image Saving to a Tar Archiveard Input Stream

It is used Save one or more images to a tar archive

docker image save busybox > ubuntu.tar

Showing the History of an Image

This command will let us know the history of the image inside the docker

image history

Making an Image Out of a Container

This command will help you to take an image out of the container

docker container commit nginx

For image tagging

We can use this command for image tagging

docker image tag nginx eon01/nginx

For pushing an image

We can push any image through this command

docker image push eon01/nginx

7. Commands for Networking:




For overlay network

This is used to establish a distributed network between many Docker daemon hosts.

docker network create -d overlay MyOverlayNetwork

For Bridge network

To establish container test1 to bridge demo-bridge, type docker network connect demo-bridge test1.

docker network create -d bridge MyBridgeNetwork

For removing a network

This command s used to remove an overlay network

docker network rm MyOverlayNetwork

For network listing

This command is used to list the overlay networks

docker network ls

For Getting Information About a Network

We can get information about an overlay network with the help of this command

docker network inspect MyOverlayNetwork

For Connecting a Running Container to a Network

By using this command we can connect a container to a network

docker network connect MyOverlayNetwork nginx

For Connecting a Container to a Network When it Starts

When the container starts we can use this command to connect a container to the network

docker container run -it -d --network=MyOverlayNetwork nginx

For Disconnecting a Container from a Network

We can use this Command for disconnecting a container from the network

docker network disconnect MyOverlayNetwork nginx

For Exposing Ports

We can expose the empty ports using this command

EXPOSE <port_number>

8. Commands for Cleaning Docker:




For Removing a Running Container

We can remove a running container by using this command

docker container rm nginx

For Removing a Container and its Volume

We can use this command for removing the container and the things inside it

docker container rm -v nginx

For Removing all Exited Containers

We can use this command for removing all the exited containers

docker container rm $(docker container ls -a -f status=exited -q)

For Removing All Stopped Containers

We can remove all the stopped containers by using this command

docker container rm docker container ls -a -q

For Removing a Docker Image

This command is used for removing a docker image

docker image rm nginx

For Dangling Images

We can dangle the images with this command

docker image rm $(docker image ls -f dangling=true -q)

For Removing all Images

We can remove all the images in the docker by using this command

docker image rm $(docker image ls -a -q)

For Delete all Untagged Images

We can delete all the untagged images with the use of this command

`docker image rm -f $(docker image ls

For Stopping & Removing all Containers

For stopping and removing all the containers we can use this command

docker container stop $(docker container ls -a -q) && docker container rm $(docker container ls -a -q)

For Removing Dangling Volumes

We can remove all the dangling volumes by using this command

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f dangling=true -q)

For removing all unneeded (containers, images, networks and volumes)

This command is used to remove the unnecessary thing

docker system prune -f

For Clean all

We can use this command for cleaning everything in the docker

docker system prune -a

9. Commands for Docker Compose:

Some commonly used Docker Compose commands with a brief description of their use:

Builds and starts containers based on the docker-compose.yml file

docker-compose up

Stops and removes containers created by the docker-compose up command

docker-compose down

Lists containers created by docker-compose

docker-compose ps

Displays log for containers created by docker-compose

docker-compose logs

Builds images for services defined in the docker-compose.yml file

docker-compose build

Starts containers created by docker-compose

docker-compose start

Stops containers created by docker-compose

docker-compose stop

Restarts containers created by docker-compose

docker-compose restart

Runs a command inside a running container

docker-compose exec

Validates and displays the compose file

docker-compose config